Being conservative is about tradition and sometimes change

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Editor, the News-Herald:

It was perfectly logical for conservative Americans to vote for George W. Bush in 2000. Just as it was appropriate for all Americans to rally to the President in our time of national crisis.

But if the existing atmosphere of permanent crisis has compelled some conservatives to temper their convictions, it is not true of all of us. Many true conservatives question the legitimacy and the wisdom of the war on Iraq, how it has been managed, and what it is now costing us, economically, politically and spiritually.

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We don’t agree that getting Saddam was more important than getting Osama.

There are conservatives who were angry over the handcuffing and stonewalling of the 9/11 Commission, and the Bush Administration’s attempt to prevent its very existence.

Some conservatives do care who really wrote and is profiting from Vice President Cheney’s energy and environmental policies, and are unhappy with the drastic changes in directions and protections.

Conservative parents share the distress of Republican

governors over the unfunded &uot;No Child Left Behind Act,&uot; and its effect on our schools, and our children.

Many conservatives question the fairness of the Bush &uot;tax relief,&uot; and are greatly concerned about the debt we are leaving our children. Conservatives believe in the American dream, and we know that it can’t be available to our children if health care is not.

Being conservative means believing in traditional values, such as these. Sometimes being conservative means believing change is necessary.

Mark McKinney
