City Council may pursue referendum charter change

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 6, 2005

Suffolk News-Herald

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Some issues before the Suffolk City Council are important enough that voters deserve to have direct say through a referendum, said Vice Mayor Leroy Bennett.

But the current city charter makes that difficult.

The charter, as it is now, requires the city to get the General Assembly’s approval before calling a referendum on any issue.

&uot;I was appalled to find out our charter doesn’t let us have a referendum,&uot; said Councilwoman Linda T. Johnson. &uot;Some issues are large enough and important enough that we need to let people weigh in on them.

&uot;I would like to see the charter changed to give us the right to have a referendum whenever we deem it needed.&uot;

Bennett agreed.

&uot;I think it’s very important that we be able to …put certain issues on the ballot and let the people decide,&uot; Bennett said.

The ability to call a referendum is one of several tools that lawmakers should have easily accessible, he said.

&uot;It makes for a more open government,&uot; Bennett said.

&uot;I think we should amend the city charter so we have it in place if we need it.&uot;

A referendum doesn’t necessarily mean voters would decide an issue, he said.

The council could use non-binding referendums as a way to gauge

public opinion on various issues that come before the body for a final vote.

Mayor Bobby L. Ralph said he too is interested in finding out why the city charter does not give the locality the right to call a referendum.