March 18, 1965: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald 40 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 18, 2005

Resolution protects oystermen’s Interest

A revised resolution to protect Nansemond River oystermen from further stream pollution was adopted Wednesday by the Suffolk and Nansemond County governing bodies, for presentation at a hearing March 23 of the State Water Control Board in Richmond.

The resolution, passed Wednesday morning by the City Council and in the afternoon by the Board of Supervisors, spells out how the area wants the Nansemond River used in the future, with the stipulation that both boards desire no increase in water pollution that would hurt the oyster industry in the lower reaches of the Nansemond River.

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The new resolution replaces one passed by both boards on March 4 designed to forestall any drastic action by the State Water Control Board to limit future discharge of waste into the Nansemond of treated sewage and industrial waste.

Farmers reminded to file intentions with ASCS

Nansemond County farmers are reminded by the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) office that March 26 is the final date for filing intentions to participate in the 1965 feed grain program for corn, barley and grain.

Steve Butler, county office manager, gives this notice because there are a few farmers who participated in prior years who have not yet made known their intentions to participate in 1965. He states that the ASCS office is anxious to give each farmer a full explanation of the various alternatives offered under the program. For this reason, he would like to avoid a last-minute rush at the county office counter.

To date, 472 farms in Nansemond County have enrolled in the program to divert over 7,248 acres from grain production. Advance payments amounting to $126,000 have been made to farmers.

Suffolk Council race expected to intensify

Moses D. Jones indicated several weeks ago that he was giving serious consideration to becoming a candidate and it is known he has the backing of a number of local organizations and Negro leaders.

Two candidates, one an incumbent, have already announced their candidacy. They are Vice-Mayor Kermit R. Kelley, who is completing his first full four-year term on the board, and Dr. George H. Barnett, son of a former member of the council, the late David Barnett.

Dr. Barnett is seeking Mayor Major T. Benton’s seat on the council.

Mayor Benton announced two weeks ago that he would not be a candidate for re-election.

The three other members of the board, Jack W. Webb, James L. McLemore and James Hope have two more years before their terms expire.

School issues will be aired by factions

Nansemond County officials including members of the School Board will meet with a number of Negro leaders in a closed meeting tonight in what has been called by one school official as, &uot;the laying of groundwork in an effort to resolve the situation that exists between certain factions and the school board.&uot;

An organized group of some 135 Negroes attended the March 9 meeting of the school board and listed 12 demands they wanted to see carried out, including a grand jury investigation of the school board and the resignation of superintendent H. S. Abernathy.

Then said the demands stemmed from inferior construction at John F. Kennedy High School, one of the three high schools in the final stages of completion in Nansemond County.

The charges of inferior construction came from an alleged inspection of the schools by various Negro groups.

Carla Jones is feted on sixth Birthday

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Jones of Holland entertained on Tuesday evening in honor of the sixth birthday anniversary of their daughter, Carla.

Each child received a hat and whistle balloon. Games were played and prizes were presented to Thomas Mason and Brenda Milteer. Those present other than the guest of honor were Susan and Wanda Eley, Debbie Jordan, Anna Jeffreys, Brenda Mason, Beth Conway, Susan Wheeler, Sandy Houle, Melinda Wood, Tommy and Mark Pruden, David Duke, Ben Doughty, Donald Weaver, Harold Dean Worrell, John Felton, Bill Underwood, Ross Jaffee, Jay Faircloth, Stephen Wheeler and Vicky Jones.

-Compiled by Jennifer Rose