May 11, 1952: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald on this date 53 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Girl Scouts prepare, serve meal to fathers

Eight 11-year-old Girl Scouts took over full-scale hostess duties last night as they combined efforts at the home of their troop leader, Mrs. G. Irvin Coulbourn, in cooking and serving to their fathers a &uot;full course&uot; dinner.

The scouts, members of Troop 13, not only assumed culinary and serving duties, but cleaned the silver, set out place cards, arranged a table centerpiece of garden flowers and pinned a rose in each father’s buttonhole in preparation for the gala affair.

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The hostess scouts entertaining at 509 Darden Avenue last night were Marilyn Bowden, hostess to her father Marshall Bowden, Grace Brinkley who, due to her dad’s absence from town this weekend, entertained substitute father Quinby Hines; and Jane Coulbourn who assumed hostess duties for her father, Edwin T. Coulbourn.

Also Lucy Coulbourn, hostess to her father G. Irvin Coulbourn; Allie Blue Habel hostess for her dad Dr. J. M. Habel; Johanna Pruden, hostess to her father J. Brooke Pruden; and Patricia Shotton whose father, Howard Shotton was on hand to receive the benefit’s of his daughters skill as hostess.

Mrs. Babb presents Mother’s Day Program

Mrs. Vernon Babb conducted a program on Mother’s Day at the meeting of the Agnes Brittle Circle of the Cypress Chapel Christian Church Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Babb, Mrs. Floyd Byrd and Mrs. Leroy Baines served as co-hostess.

Those assisting on the program were Mrs. James Leuter, Mrs. R. E. Brittle, and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong. Miss Shirley Fay Byrd sang &uot;Mother&uot; as a solo.

The Bible from the Book of James, was taught by Mrs. Lewter after which the Rev. Earl Farrell spoke on the missionary book &uot;Mission to America.&uot;

The Woman’s Missionary Society of the church will be hostess at the June meeting.

There were 20 members present and two new members enrolled at the meeting.

King’s Daughters choose delegates to State Convention

At the Thursday night meeting of the Davis Circle of the King’s Daughters, held at the home of Mrs. Frank T. Pope on Cedar Street, Mrs. Pope and Mr. R. R. Harrell Jr., were elected delegates to attend the organization’s state convention to be held at Natural Bridge on May 27-29.

Mrs. Pope presided over the business session when baskets of food were reported sent to the indigent during the past month.

A devotional service from the book &uot;The Upper Room&uot; and the &uot;Silver Cross Magazine&uot; were presented by Miss Edna Parker and Miss Lucille Cheatham. After the business session the group held a &uot;white elephant&uot; sale.

Those present were Mrs. J. E. Henderson, Miss Fannie Riddick, Mrs. Clarence Booker, Miss Louise Kendrick, Mrs. M. E. Williams, Mrs. J. S. Rollings, Mrs. Frank T. Pope, Mrs. W. H. Burchett, Mrs. R. R. Harrell Jr., Mrs. J. H. Wesson, Miss Lou Taylor, Miss Parker, Mrs. Howard Luke and Mrs. S. S. Stallings.

Barrie to address local TB Chapter

Robert Barrie, executive director of the Virginia Tuberculosis Association, will assume chief speaking duties at the annual meeting of the Suffolk- Nansemond TB Association to be held Monday, May 19, at the Hotel Elliott. Barrie will discuss &uot;Future Trends in TB Control.&uot;

Scheduled to present &uot;a few words of greeting&uot; to the group attending the meeting is Bernard Woodahl, assistant administrator to the Virginia TB staff.

Barrie is a native of New York State and a graduate of New York University and the New York School of Social Work at Columbia University.

He has served as a junior staff member of the TB Association for Columbia, S. C. and as assistant secretary of the Albany County, New York, TB Association. He came to the Virginia Tuberculosis Associa-tion in March, 1951.

Woohahl was born in Roanoke, has worked for the Appalachian Power Company and in 1950 was chairman of the Tuberculosis mass survey program in Roanoke. He joined the State TB Association in 1951.

HDC continue party lessons

Nansemond County Home Demonstration Club women will continue their May demonstrations of party place cards and favors with five demonstrations scheduled for the week of May 12-17. Mrs. Lillian R. Livesay, county HD agent, will conduct the demonstrations.

This week’s schedule follows: Monday- The King’s Fork HD Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Howard Williams on the Pitchkettle Road; Tuesday- The Wallace HD Club will hold and auction sale at 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. J. M. Dailey, the Magnolia HD Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. E. E. Phoenix; Wednesday-The Box Elder HD Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Noah Brown; Thursday- The Liberty Spring HD Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. J. W. Winslow.

– Compiled by Jennifer Rose