May 14, 1952: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald on this date 53 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 14, 2005

Cross nominated as legion leader

Harry Lee Cross was nominated last night as post commander for the American Legion, Suffolk Post 57, for the year 1952-53. Cross is currently serving as first vice commander for the local post.

Other officers nominated in a slate presented to the Legion by the nominating committee at its regular monthly dinner meeting were as follows: Jacob L. Woodward, first vice commander; Edwin C. Ferguson Jr., second vice commander; William F. Davis, adjutant; J. R. Vann, finance officer; E. R. Custis, service officer; Harold W. Stephenson, sergeant at arms; Rev. Duane N. Vore, chaplain; J. Lewis Rawls Jr., judge advocate.

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Also Jack Shryer, historian; W. Bruce Vaughan, athletic officer; W. Quentin Brothers, child welfare and rehabilitation; Thomas E. Warrington, publicity chairman; Thomas D. Odom and Paul T. Cohoon, executive committee; P. D. Pruden Jr., W. Mason Jones Jr., T. R. Pettit and J. A. Howell Jr.

Legion officers for the year 1952-53 will be elected at the June meeting, it was announced. Nominations from the floor may be made at that time.

The nomination committee report was made by J. Melvin Lovelace, chairman. Other members of the committee were: W. Theodore Myrick, Larry F. Shaffer, W. Quentin Brothers, W. Mason Jones and Raymond P. Boyer.

Telephone films shown to Kiwanians

Telephones ruled at Monday night’s entertainment program at the weekly dinner meeting of the Kiwanis in the Hotel Elliott as Richard Chichester, manager of the telephone company office here, showed two films pertaining to telephone activity.

Chichester, after showing the films produced by the Bell Telephone System, answered a series of questions posed by Kiwanians concerning various facets of telephone research and service.

One of the films, concerning a project now in operation in Englewood, N.J., by which long distance calls to some 13 cities may be accomplished simply by dialing a key number and then the number in the other city, brought several questions from the Kiwanis members on how soon the system will be expanded and how it will work.

Its expansion to other cities is still a question mark, Chichester said, the answer to which depends on the success of the Englewood venture.

Red Cross plans for annual dinner

The Suffolk-Nansemond Cou-nty Red Cross Chapter yesterday appointed a three-member committee to work out arrangements for the annual Red Cross dinner meeting to the held in early June at the Planters Club.

The committee, appointed at the regular monthly Executive Board meeting at chapter headquarters, is as follows: C. M. Flintoff, chairman, Mrs. Walter Hundley and Mrs. W. G. Saunders Jr.

In other matters yesterday, the Red Cross Executive Board also appointed a three member nominating committee to report on Red Cross officers for the coming 1952-53 year at the annual dinner meeting in June. The committee is composed of J. R. Neal, chairman, Mrs. Curtis Saunders and Mrs. Clyde Johnson.

The chapter heard a report from Alpine Barrett, chairman of water safety, that swimming and life-saving courses will be held again this summer under the sponsorship of the local Red Cross at the Planter’s Club swimming pool and that enrollment for these courses will take place in the near future.

Mrs. Walter Hundley, home service chairman, said that 54 home service cases were handled at chapter headquarters during the month of April.

Mrs. Curtis Saunders will head the Junior Red Cross training center to be held June 29 through July 6 at Hood College in Frederick, Md. Mrs. Saunders will be accompanied by a local Junior Red Cross student to be announced later.

Miss Elizabeth Rountree was appointed to be sent to the aquatic chapter at Camp Lutherlyn, Pennsylvania, as a candidate for a Red Cross swimming instruction. The course will be held from June 14-24.

Plane spotters to work nights

The Suffolk Ground Observer Corps, along with volunteer members of the GOC in 27 states, will start working on a 24-hour around the clock basis, seven days a week, beginning Saturday, May 17.

&uot;Operation Skywatch,&uot; the code name for the continuing observed duty, has as its mission the scanning of the skies to detect all aircraft coming within a corps’ assigned area of operation and any aircraft which could conceivably be enemy bombers armed with atom bombs.

Their responsibility, according to Supervisor Al Ruden of the local GOC, is to work in the air defense system to protect every man, woman and child in our nation from any possible sneak air attack.

Many of the local volunteers will be taking over critical duties in the Richmond filter center. Others will be carrying on a constant vigil at the nearby observation posts.

Ruden said that GOC volunteers are urgently needed. All who are interested in this vital defense effort should get in touch with W. Pryor Brown, chief observer, in care of the Suffolk News-Herald, he said.

Staff course to be resumed

The second session of the local Red Cross Chapter’s new orientation course for staff aides and canteen volunteers will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at the chapter headquarters in the Jones Building on North Main Street.

Seventeen women attended last week’s first session.

Tomorrow’s speakers will include Douglas W. Kincaid, chairman of the local blood program; Mrs. James Ward, chairman of the Volunteer Service Groups; and Mrs. Landes Small, executive-secretary of the local chapter.

Kincaid will speak on the blood program, while the two women will divide their talk into a discussion of the chapter’s Volunteer Service Groups.

– Compiled by Jennifer Rose