May 20, 1949: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald on this date 56 years ago…
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 20, 2005
County exceeds Cancer Fund goal
Nansemond County has met and exceeded its Cancer Drive quota of $1,100 with contributions of $1,414.72; drive chairman Mills E. Godwin Jr., announced yesterday.
Godwin stated that the participation and response throughout the county was good. Cooperation was given by the churches and schools and by both white and Negro, he said.
The drive chairman praised the efforts of co-chairman, John Henry Powell and six district chairmen and extended his thanks to all workers and contributors who made the drive a success.
Serving as district chairmen were: Mrs. J. D. Rawels, Mrs. Mills R. Davidson, Mrs. R. E. Brittle, Mrs. W. W. Jones, Mrs. C. D. Jordan and Mrs. Raye V. Knight.
Council adopts Negro petition for sub-board
By action of the Suffolk City Council, in regular meeting last night, an election of the membership to the recently created City Recreation Board was accomplished.
Those nominated and duly elected for three year terms of office on the board were Hunter M. Haynes and W. P. Griffin, C. M. Flintoff and the Rev. John A. Winslow were named to terms of two years each while Mrs. Janice Crumpler and R. R. Harrell Jr., were selected to serve one year terms.
In response to a petition submitted by local Negro citizens at the last meeting of Council requesting representation on the recreation body, a resolution was adopted wherein it was recommended that the newly appointed board appoint a three member Negro advisory board.
This sub-board according to the resolution would &uot;advise and assist the City Board when called upon especially with reference to matters concerning the Negro population of Suffolk.&uot;
An ordinance proposing the establishment of a &uot;contributory pension system for certain City employees&uot; was presented of first reading last night.
Awards made in student assembly
Recognition awards for outstanding participation in student activities at Suffolk High School were presented by W. R. Savage Jr., high school principal, in a special assembly held in the school auditorium this morning.
Circle awards made on a basis of scholastic achievement and extra-curricular activities participation were received by Martha Crocker and Betty Birdsong.
Triangle awards were presented to Anita Belle Bagley, Tommy Hines, Bobby Floyd, Elmore Saunders, Charles Twine, Lloyd Hines, Melvin Poulson, Jack Chapman, Bill Boyette, Van Johnson, Billy Burkett and Phyllis Culpepper. The triangle award is made on the same basis as the circle except that scholarship is not considered.
Mr. Arthur Jones high school track coach, awarded track letters to the following members of the squad: Richard Sykes, Tommy Howell, Van Johnson, Bill Barnes, Fred Harrell, Tony Diamond, J. B. Matthews, Dick Joyner, Melvin Poulson, Lloyd Hines, Lawrence Vail and Deno Diamond.
Hog prices up on markets
Hog prices on all markets moved upward today with the Suffolk-Smithfield-Holland market showing an increase of 25 to 50 cents.
The top on the local market was $18.50 but most hogs were selling at $18.25. 4,500 hogs were committed at Chicago where the top was $20. The market there was steady to strong.
At Richmond prices were 25 cents higher and the top was $19. On the Chicago market, butchers around 300lbs or under moderately active, steady to strong, heavier weights, slow and uneven, steady to 25 cents lower; sows steady to 25 cents higher; top 19.85.
Board votes 5-1 against proposal after hearings
Suffolk’s School Board voted five to one last night to ban &uot;released time&uot; religious education classes from local schools.
Before reaching this decision the board had heard proponents and opponents of the classes discuss the merits and demerits of such instruction in the school.
The board held a short closed meeting before the hearing and following it, Chairman Edwin T. Coulbourn informed both sides that 15 minutes would be given to each for the presentation of their views.
Reverend Graham C. McChesney, spokesman for the Suffolk Weekday Religious Council, chief advocates of the classes, read a request to he board that hearing and action on the matter be postponed until the June meeting in order than an &uot;effort toward healing the breach in our religious forces could be made.&uot;
Rev. McChesney was referring to the fact that religious teaching in the school is opposed by both Dr. E. D. Poe, of the First Baptist Church and Dr. Murray Kantor, rabbi of the Agudath Achim Synagogue.
-Compiled by Jennifer Rose