Suffolk awarded over $3 million in VDOT funds

Published 10:00 am Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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An ordinance to accept and appropriate over $3 million from the Virginia Department of Transportation saw approval from Suffolk City Council during their Wednesday, Sept. 18 council meeting at City Hall.

As one of two consent agenda ordinances, $3,499,314 from VDOT’s State of Good Repair Program was accepted to help repave six road segments within the City of Suffolk. These road segments include Quay Rd for $197,642, Whaleyville Blvd for $246,960, Portsmouth Blvd for $692,025, Route 58 for $807,302, Carolina Rd – North Bound for $667,669, and Carolina Rd – South Bound for $887,716. City Manager Albert S. Moor II provided more details during the meeting.

“Adoption of the ordinance will increase the revenues and expenditures of the FY 2024-25 Capital Projects Fund budget by the $3,499,314,” Moor said. “There is a local match of [$139,659] which is available within the Capital Projects Fund budget.”

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The second ordinance approved was the acceptance of $1,000 in funds from the Virginia 9-1-1 Services Board FY25 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Grant Program. Funds will be used to support Suffolk Police Department’s 9-1-1 public safety communication, education and training for emergency communication operators in the Emergency Communication Center.

“Adoption of the ordinance will increase the revenues and expenditures of the consolidated grants fund budget by the $1000. There is no local match,” Moor said.