5 Signs Your Admission Essay Feels Manipulative

Published 1:15 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

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Alright, let’s talk about those dreaded college admission essays. We all know they’re a big deal, but sometimes it feels like we’re trying to wrestle the admissions committee’s emotions to our side.

“Should I mention my volunteer work with orphans? Or how I saved a puppy from a burning building?” It’s tempting to try and pull out all the stops, but sometimes, we cross the line into manipulative essay territory.

Now, before you spiral and start frantically searching for WritePapers.com to save the day, let’s take a step back. The goal of your admission essay is to showcase your authentic self, not to create a fictional superhero.

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In this blog post, we’re going to talk about common admission essay mistakes, how to avoid the pitfalls of being manipulative in writing, and how to use the power of manipulation (in a good way!) to make your essay stand out for all the right reasons.


Sign 1: The Tearjerker Tsunami

Picture this: You’re reading an admission essay, and it feels like you’ve just walked into a never-ending melodrama. Every sentence is dripping with sorrow, every paragraph a new tragedy. It’s like the writer is trying to drown you in a sea of tears, hoping to win you over with their sob story.

While it’s important to share personal struggles in your admission essay, going overboard with the waterworks can backfire. Admissions officers are looking for resilience and growth, not a pity party.

Instead of dwelling on the tough stuff, highlight how you’ve tackled challenges head-on and emerged stronger. Share the lessons you’ve learned, the strength you’ve gained, and how these experiences have shaped you into the person you are today.

Remember, a manipulative admission essay tries to tug at heartstrings without offering any substance. So, keep the waterworks in check and focus on showcasing your strength and resilience.

Sign 2: The Bragging Bonanza

We get it: you’re awesome. You’ve got a mile-long list of accomplishments, awards, and accolades. You’re basically a walking trophy case. But when it comes to your admission essay, resist the urge to go full-on brag mode.

Nobody likes a show-off, and admissions officers are no exception. Instead of listing every single achievement, choose a few key experiences that truly highlight your talents and potential. Dive into the nitty-gritty of your achievements – the obstacles you overcame and the lessons you picked up along the way.

Let your accomplishments subtly shine through your experiences instead of hitting the reader over the head with them. A little humility goes a long way.

Sign 3: The Emotional Rollercoaster

Have you ever felt like you’re on an emotional Tilt-A-Whirl? One moment, you’re cracking up, the next, you’re reaching for the tissues, and then you’re just plain confused about what you’re even feeling anymore.

Well, some admission essays try to do the same thing to the reader. They take you on a wild ride of emotions, hoping to distract you from the lack of substance.

While it’s cool to get a little emotional in your essay, don’t go overboard and turn it into a soap opera. Don’t try to manipulate the reader’s feelings by exaggerating your experiences or using overly dramatic language.

Instead, focus on sharing your emotions in a genuine and heartfelt way. Let the reader step into your shoes and see the world through your eyes, in your own words.

Remember, a manipulative piece of writing tries to control the reader’s emotions, while an authentic essay allows them to feel them naturally.

Sign 4: The Perfect Candidate Illusion

Let’s be real: nobody’s perfect. We all have our quirks, flaws, and embarrassing moments. But some admission essays try to paint a picture of a flawless human being, a perfect candidate with no weaknesses or struggles. It’s like watching a movie with a protagonist who’s so perfect they’re completely unrelatable.

While it’s cool to show off your skills and accomplishments, don’t be afraid to let your guard down and share those less-than-perfect moments. Talk about the times you stumbled, the obstacles you overcame, and the wisdom you gained along the way. These experiences show you’re not just a robot programmed for success – you’re a real person who’s capable of growing and learning from your mistakes.

Remember, admissions officers aren’t looking for robots. They’re looking for real people with real stories. So, don’t be afraid to let your guard down and show your true colors. It might just be the secret sauce that makes your essay unforgettable. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact https://writepapers.com/write-my-college-paper.

Sign 5: The “I’m a Savior” Complex

It’s admirable to want to make a difference in the world. But when your admission essay reads like a superhero origin story, complete with you swooping in to save the day, it might be time to dial back the ego.

While it’s great to showcase your passion for helping others, be careful not to come across as self-righteous or preachy. Nobody likes a know-it-all, and admissions officers are no exception.

Instead of focusing on how you’re going to single-handedly solve world hunger or climate change, share specific experiences that demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.

Talk about the volunteer work you’ve done, the social justice issues you care about, or the ways you’ve helped your community. But do it in a way that’s humble and grounded. Remember, it’s not about how much you can do; it’s about your genuine desire to make a difference.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – a few red flags that might signal your college admission essay is veering into manipulative territory. Remember, authenticity is key. Admissions officers are looking for genuine stories, real emotions, and a glimpse into the person behind the application. So, ditch the drama, tone down the bragging, and avoid trying to pull heartstrings with overly emotional tales.

Remember, your essay is your time to shine, to give the admissions committee a front-row seat to your awesome personality and unique strengths. By steering clear of those classic admission essay mistakes and letting your true self take center stage, you’ll write an essay that sticks with the reader long after they’ve finished reading.

So, go forth and write your hearts out, but keep it real. After all, the best way to get into your dream school is to show them the real you, not some polished and unrealistic version.