2024 Election – Sleepy Hole Borough City Council Candidate Q&A

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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Roger Fawcett


Tell the voters a little about yourself. (Where are you from, what area of Suffolk do you live, family, work, hobbies, etc.)

I was a career firefighter and retired as Fire Chief at the Norfolk Naval Base. I then became a sex crimes compliance officer with the Virginia State Police. My wife and I have three adult children. Serving on City Council has been a blessing. I enjoy working with others to make Suffolk an even better place to live, work, raise a family and retire.

What made you decide you were interested in serving as a member of the Suffolk City Council?

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I am a problem solver. When I ran for Council the city’s finances were not in great shape. Together with like-minded colleagues we got the city’s finances in shape, stopped raising taxes, better funded our schools and first responders.

What do you see as the council’s roles and responsibilities?

Clearly, Council’s role is to set the direction for the City’s growth, fund – but not run – the school system, manage the city manager, city attorney, city clerk and city assessor, set the tax rate and determine spending priorities. For instance, this year we reduced property taxes in the City.  We successfully reduced the property tax mill rate by two cents, from $1.09 to $1.07.  This led to real tax savings for all home and property owners.

How would you describe an effective council member?

An effective Council member must be able to get along with others, be able to disagree without being disagreeable, be responsive to their constituents and be a good listener and learn as much as possible about the issues the city faces. I have done all of those things.

In what ways will you gain feedback from the community on concerns and projects facing the city of Suffolk? How do you plan to use such feedback?

I seek out perspectives and ideas from others. My phone number is available for constituents to call and offer their views and I listen to them. Being a good listener and understanding the points of view of others is important to how I serve on Council.

What in your background leads you to believe you would be an effective council member?

Experience. As I stated earlier, I am a problem solver. I try to break down bureaucratic red tape, which can be frustrating, and get to the point and find the right solution. Over my terms on Council, I have seen so many issues come before the City and this experience is invaluable as we work to make the City stronger, more efficient and better for our families and businesses.

In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing your borough?

In the Sleepy Hole Borough, many constituents would likely say traffic congestion on Bridge Road (US Route 17). I am working for solutions, particularly at the intersection of Bridge Roads and Harbor View Drive. The intersection of Shoulders Hill Road and Bridge Road is under construction right now. I worked hard to get this project under way. A new Kings Highway Bridge is being seriously studied now. Widening the Mills Godwin Bridge is the next big road project on my list to tackle.

What is your long-term vision for the City of Suffolk?

My long-term vision is a Suffolk that is family-friendly, has great schools, is economically vibrant, offers many quality of life amenities like great parks and rec centers and nature trails and provides a fair opportunity for all who live here.

Where do you see the city in 5, 10, and 20 years from now?

Even better in every way. We are developing and will soon adopt the Suffolk 2045 comprehensive plan that will lay out the blueprint. We will continue to be a magnet for economic development because of our excellent location and strong, educated workforce.  Our diverse population is our greatest strength as there are so many excellent ideas out there. I hope we maintain our fiscal discipline. That is the key to having opportunities to benefit everyone.

What is something voters may not know about you that you would like them to know?

I truly appreciate the opportunity to serve them on City Council. It is humbling to serve them. I truly feel that I am a servant leader. The constituents of the Sleepy Hole Borough have given me a responsibility to be their voice and their representative on City Council. I take this responsibility very seriously. I work to earn and deserve their trust every day.


Ebony Wright


Tell the voters a little about yourself. (Where are you from, what area of Suffolk do you live, family, work, hobbies, etc.)

I am a California native and I moved to North Suffolk over 20 years ago.  I am a Navy veteran and a civil servant with over 25 years of legal, management and leadership experience.  I lead a nonprofit organization that awards scholarships to students in Suffolk Public Schools.  I earned a B.A. in Criminology, an MBA, and a post-master’s certificate in Management Essentials from Harvard Business School.  I will celebrate 25 years of marriage to my wonderful husband Warren in October.  We have three adult children, a granddaughter and a puggle named Dansby.

What made you decide you were interested in serving as a member of the Suffolk City Council?

I decided to run for city council because I am passionate about the welfare of the residents of Suffolk and want to influence the city’s direction.  I want to create a long-term plan to improve our city, promote sustainable economic development and work on core infrastructure needs. 

What do you see as the council’s roles and responsibilities?

City council members act as the board of directors for the city.   They make decisions that impact us all, such as zoning regulations, budget allocation, and community services. They play a crucial role in shaping the future of the city.  

How would you describe an effective council member?

An effective council member actively engages with constituents, prioritizes transparency, and works collaboratively to address community needs. They embrace accountability and work towards solutions that benefit the entire community.

In what ways will you gain feedback from the community on concerns and projects facing the city of Suffolk? How do you plan to use such feedback?

I have a passion for community consensus and believe that seeking community feedback is crucial for effective governance. I plan to gather community input through town hall meetings and online surveys, and take that information to help shape decisions on city projects and address citizen concerns.

What in your background leads you to believe you would be an effective council member?

My background in public service and community advocacy leads me to believe I will be an effective council member.  I have over 25 years of professional experience in governance, policy development and resource management.  Combining my education and experience as a veteran, civil servant, and nonprofit leader gives me a unique perspective to make informed decisions and positively impact the city.  As a Suffolk resident for over 20 years, I believe I have the vision, determination and background to move Suffolk forward.

  In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing your borough?

The most important issues facing Sleepy Hole Borough are infrastructure and rapid growth.  I am not anti-growth, I believe we can be more strategic in our planning.  Suffolk is the largest city, land wise in this state. There is enough land to balance the need for more housing and amenities while preserving green spaces and the environment. This can be accomplished through smart growth. Investing in sustainable infrastructure is crucial to managing rapid population growth, ensuring the quality of life for residents, and supporting economic development. 

What is your long-term vision for the City of Suffolk?

My long-term vision for the City of Suffolk is to build a city where every neighborhood thrives, every voice is heard, and every resident can feel safe and proud to call Suffolk home.  I want a comfortable community for retirement and a place where my adult children can live, thrive and raise their families.  I envision implementing sustainable development strategies that can help us achieve these long-term goals.  

Where do you see the city in 5, 10, and 20 years from now?

I hope to see the city thriving years from now.  If we invest in sustainable infrastructure, we are more likely to thrive economically and environmentally.  If we don’t make infrastructure a priority, our growth and development will mirror other overcrowded cities in the region.  

What is something voters may not know about you that you would like them to know?

I love to read and I’m an avid researcher who understands the importance of continuous learning.  If I don’t know something, I will do the research and follow-up with my findings. 


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