Firefighters make special delivery after assisting injured cyclist

Published 9:32 pm Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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Two Suffolk Fire and Rescue members went the extra mile to help a resident in need on Tuesday afternoon.

SFR Capt. Matt Allemand, Master Firefighter Kevin Bland, and Master Firefighter John Oliver each helped a patient on Tuesday, Aug. 20, after he fell during a bike exercise. The firefighters helped the gentleman further by personally delivering his bike back to him after the fall.

Allemand recounted that a medical emergency called out after they returned from their daily fireboat check. Allemand says that they each decided to go along with the medic.

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“It was a medical emergency call. The guy was riding his bike and we treated him. Medic took him to the hospital and the bike was left on the side of the street,” Allemand said. “He gave us his address and we asked him if he wanted us to return it to his house so he didn’t have to worry about it.”

Allemand says it was just the right thing to do for another human being.

“If we’re running into somebody, it’s generally not the best day of their life,” he said. “So if we can take one last stressor off their plate, then why not?”

Bland agreed with Allemand, noting that each of them serves SFR as a public servant.

“Like he said, he was having a bad day. He had his bike there and we don’t want to just leave it there on the side of the road,” Bland said. “So we just decided to do the right thing and take it home for him.”

Oliver followed, noting that the patient lived only a mile from where he exercised.

“He was out trying to get his exercise, so we thought the best thing to do was to take it back for him so he can have it for when he wanted to ride it again,” Oliver said.

Allemand says that one doesn’t need to be a firefighter to help others and be kind simply, and encourages Suffolk residents to do the same.

“Just keep doing the right thing, whether you’re a firefighter or not,” Allemand said. “If you see somebody broke down on the side of the road, help them,” Allemand said. “Whatever it takes, be nice to somebody.”