Column – Coach would have made a great V.P. too

Published 1:41 pm Wednesday, August 14, 2024

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Dennis Edwards

I called my Suffolk High School Football Coach the other day. Left a message for Dr. Mike Debranski, who coached us in the falls of 1973 and 1974 and was my Gym Teacher. Just wanted the Former Suffolk School Board Chairman to know how every time I see the soon to be Democrat Vice Presidential Nominee and Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz, I think of him.

Both have the same upbeat personalities as well as optimistic and go-get-em personae. Like coach Waltz, coach Debranski challenged, pushed and inspired us with an ever present enthusiasm that always had our best interests at heart. 

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He produced some really good players like former Virginia Union University Quarterback Garfield Mizelle, VUU Linebacker Calvin Young and Suffolk’s Circuit Court Clerk Randy Carter. 

Perhaps my fondest memory of Coach Debranski was when we unexpectedly beat the Franklin High School football team one year. Coach was beside himself. On that occasion, or after another victory, coach was so excited he kind of stepped outside himself in candor, gratitude and joy. Said something like “I’m so proud of you guys I could take anyone of you home with me as my son”. He then followed the statement up with a hilarious reference to his attempts to have one. “I don’t know guys, I keep trying but I just keep coming up with girls!”

I was laughing and listening pretty intensely that night. I stood there dumbfounded, actually wondering what it would look and be like to have coach Debranski as a dad. Then I thought “I wouldn’t have a problem with that”. It would have been quite the adventure. 

To be sure, the thought was simply a notion, a “flight of fancy” so to speak,  emerging from a moment of extreme excitement. No reflection on my mom or stepdad. Just the idea coach thought that much of us made me feel great. A feeling I never forgot and will always remember. 

Of course, I told my mom about coaches statement. She just smiled in the way mothers do at the more odd ideas their children share with a look on her face that said, “wouldn’t be long before he brought you back!” He probably would have. But the thought was more than a humorous diversion. I considered it a very nice complement.

So while watching Coach and Governor Walz on the campaign trail, seeing and hearing his kindness, optimism, my mind goes back to Coach Debranski. I remember the things he said and how I always liked the way he pronounced my name.

Coach Debranski was and still is what the Latin describes as “sui generous”, one of a kind. In my mind’s eye, I can see him always doing the same thing Walz is doing. Leading with joy, determination as well as vision. Pointing the way to excellence and making all of us want to follow him home. Even, if just for a little while.

Dennis Edwards is a Major Market Emmy and Virginia Associated Press Broadcasters Award Winning T.V. And WRVA Radio News Anchor, Investigative Reporter, Newspaper Columnist, and Pastor. He Is a graduate of Virginia Union University — Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology and Suffolk High School.