Suffolk to receive nearly $1M in grant funding

Published 6:03 pm Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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Suffolk City Council approved funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during their Wednesday, August 7 meeting at City Hall.

Receiving both $519,451 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds and $380,721.63 in Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds, the City sees a total of $900,172.63 in funding. In compliance with the approved Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Action Plan, funding from CDBG will be used for program administration and program activities providing services to low-to-moderate income persons and families in the City. Likewise, HOME funding will be used for program administration and program activities to provide services to low- to moderate-income persons and families of the Western Tidewater HOME Consortium (WTHC). The WTHC, which includes the cities of Suffolk and Franklin and both Isle of Wight and Southampton counties, sees Suffolk as the lead agency. City Manager Albert S. Moor II provided more details during the meeting.

“Adoption of the ordinance will increase the revenues and expenditures of the consolidated grants fund by the $900,172.63,” Moor said. “There is a required 25 percent local match for home grant, which will be achieved through in-kind contributions provided by the Home Grant Recipients.”

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To watch the Wednesday, August 7 consent agenda presentation, go to