2024 Election – Whaleyville Borough School Board Candidate Q&A

Published 6:35 pm Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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Thelma Hinton


Tell the voters a little about yourself. (Where are you from, family, work, hobbies, etc.)

My name is Thelma V Hinton, and I’m a lifelong resident of the City of Suffolk and a 1976 graduate of John F. Kennedy High School. I earned a BS in Social Work from Norfolk State University in 1998. I served ten years as a Commissioner for the Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority. I served on the School Board from 2009 – 2012 and as Vice Chair in 2011 and 2012. From 2012 to the present, I have served as an advocate on the Board of Directors of the Virginia Legal Aid Society. I love to read and spend time with my children in my spare time.

What made you decide you were interested in serving as a member of the SPS school board?

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I was elected to the school board in 2008 and served a full four-year term from 2009 – 2012. During my time away from politics, I have had the opportunity to observe the school board’s operations as an everyday citizen, and I know that I can better serve my community on the board.

What do you see as the board’s roles and responsibilities?

Hiring and evaluating the superintendent, establishing budgets, policy-making, establishing district vision, hiring of a superintendent, closing or constructing schools, approving salary schedules and community relationships, determining the impact of student achievement, community relations, approving facility plans, allocating resources to meet students needs, personnel recommendations, school calendars, approve annual auditory reports, approving contracts, and approving contracts and collective bargaining agreements, determine impact on student Achievement.

How would you describe an effective school board member?

An effective school board member can see a path forward. I understand where the district will succeed and what it will take. An influential board member strives to foster unity and harmony among board members. I differentiate between problems that require board action and those that administrators should solve—a team player who contributes to the organization’s function, not self-aggrandizement. Adopt a fiscal and sound district budget. Focuses on what is best for all students. Must be able to attend all board meetings, come to the meetings prepared and briefed on the current agenda, and keep students first.

How will you engage the community to improve public schools in the SPS division?

I am always involved in my district. In my experience, many citizens are keenly aware that I am very approachable, and they are open about coming to me on various issues and concerns they may have concerning SPS. I often speak at churches, civic league meetings, and community events throughout Suffolk and the Whaleyville borough. I have been committed to public service and local government for over 35 years. I advocate for parents, students, SPS employees, and citizens alike. Equity, equality, and inclusion are central to my desire to serve on the school board.

What in your background leads you to believe that you would be an effective school board member?

I have proven leadership and experience. I have always held the superintendent and other board members accountable regarding fairness and equality. I am a team player and always prepared for meetings, ensuring I clearly understand the data and matters. I have never been a board member who rushes to judgment, but I know when urgent is necessary. I was a school board member from 2008 to 2010 and moved to the position of Vice Chair from 2011- 2012. Before coming to the board, I served as Vice Chair of the Virginia Housing Authority and the Virginia Legal Aide Society boards.

In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing Suffolk Public Schools?

Safety is the most important issue in Suffolk Public Schools. Safety is at the top of my list. Next would be closing the achievement gap and ensuring the finances are equitably, correctly, and responsibly applied. Safety is all-encompassing as it involves our school system’s students, staff, and workers. Instruction and education can only occur if the students and staff feel safe in our buildings. We must ensure that the teachers, staff, and other workers have a voice in how they think regarding safety. I have an open-door policy, and all teachers and staff should feel comfortable coming and talking with board members about concerns. Occasionally, teachers and staff can have issues among themselves, and they need to know that they can share when there is low morale or internal problems that need to be addressed. This is never intended to promote micromanagement. Students, parents, staff, and employees should feel free to come to board members, and board members should know where to send them. Since coming into the post-pandemic era, mental health issues and social-emotional learning are at the awareness forefront. SEL and school safety are closely related concepts in creating a positive and supportive educational Environment.

What are the educational gaps or weaknesses in your district?

Traditionally, the weaknesses have always been reading and math, as evidenced by the SOL scores. Tutoring should be more proactive by identifying those struggling students before they take the SOL and giving them the extra help needed by assigning them to tutoring before the test. About 12 years ago, the school system paid teachers a stipend to stay after school and help those students who needed extra help throughout the school year. We have to return to that model. This is where equity and equality come in. We need to provide a pathway for those students to get the extra help required and pay the teachers to help our students.

What are the educational strengths in your district?

My borough has a rural and suburban population, which contributes significantly to the need for diversity and equity in Suffolk Public Schools’ educational environment. Whaleyville offers a wide variety of cultures and diversity in rural and suburban environments. Also, the alumni of BTW are a strength within my borough. They are involved and committed to continuously strengthening the community by staying involved. I also love the fact that BTW offers pre-k through 5 grades.

What is something voters may not know about you that you would like them to know?

I am not a novice in this process. From 2009 to 2012, I served on the school board and represented Suffolk citizens. Before serving on the SPS school board, I served on the Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority boards and the Virginia Legal Aide Society. I am an independent thinker, and I do not rubber-stamp my approvals. I have a strong sense of fairness and justice. I will be fair to the superintendent, students, faculty, and parents while serving my constituents in the Whaleyville Borough. I want fairness and justice for the families of my constituents their children and the employees of Suffolk Public Schools as a whole.


Sean McGee



Tell the voters a little about yourself. (Where are you from, family, work, hobbies, etc.)

I am 41 years old and have been married to my wife Heather, an SPS biology teacher, for almost 18 years.  Together, we have five children who all attend Suffolk Public Schools.  I was born in Arkansas but moved to Florida when I was 12.  I am a Marine Corps combat veteran, former police officer, and have an extensive background in public safety and governmental defense.  For the last 10 years, I have dedicated my free time to coaching youth softball/baseball here in Suffolk.  Additionally, I am an avid outdoorsman and enjoy hunting, fishing, kayaking, shooting and working out.

What made you decide you were interested in serving as a member of the SPS school board?

As the husband of an SPS teacher and father of five SPS students, I have had a front row seat to the dynamics of our schools.  This includes the many successes of our district but also the challenges and areas that show room for improvement.  After much prayer and reflection, I made the decision to run for the Whaleyville seat on the Suffolk School Board because I believe I can offer a fresh perspective and new ideas to create positive change.

What do you see as the board’s roles and responsibilities?

I view the school board as an elected group which serves as the voice of Suffolk citizens regarding the operation of its schools.  I believe it is the responsibility of the board to adopt goals and objectives for SPS based upon the diverse needs of the community and to ensure that adequate academic progress is being made.  Additionally, the board must guarantee fiscal responsibility with the annual operating budget, be responsible for student and staff safety, and ensure that all schools are being operated efficiently and according to the law.  

How would you describe an effective school board member?

I believe an effective school board member is one who advocates for all students and staff.  They serve as a voice for parents and promote high quality educational standards while prioritizing student achievement.  Effective school board members recognize the value of collaboration, act with integrity and are accountable for the decisions they make.  Furthermore, an effective school board member exemplifies visionary leadership and is not content with doing things the way they have always been done, but rather thinks outside the box and strives for excellence always. 

How will you engage the community to improve public schools in the SPS division?

As the Whaleyville Borough representative, I would first engage the community through regular social media outreach and community town halls. This would include sharing updates, gathering feedback and concerns, and engaging in dynamic discussions about school matters.  Second, I would make it a priority to regularly attend a variety of school events to interact with parents, students, and staff.  Finally, I would work to create partnerships with local organizations, businesses, churches, and civic groups to build strong connections between our schools and the community.  

What in your background leads you to believe that you would be an effective school board member?

Although my background is not in education, I see that as an asset to the school board.  My entire professional career has been devoted to public service, safety, and program management.  Honor, commitment, and integrity were instilled in me as a Marine and continue to be guiding principles today.  As a police officer, I prioritized safety and built positive community relationships.  As the antiterrorism program manager for Langley AFB and current Critical Asset Risk program manager, I have guided teams toward program goals, planned and executed projects effectively, assessed risks to project success, and managed multimillion dollar budgets.  

In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing Suffolk Public Schools?

I believe that some of the most significant challenges facing SPS include ensuring the safety of both students and staff, addressing significant staff shortages and teacher retention rates and improving student transportation. Additionally, many schools are struggling with overcrowding, which affects the quality of education and student experience. There is also a pressing need to update outdated buildings and equipment to create a conducive learning environment. Furthermore, declining academic achievement is a critical issue that must be addressed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

What are the educational gaps or weaknesses in your district?

In the Whaleyville Borough and across Suffolk, several educational gaps require attention. Notably, there is a significant gap between students with disabilities and their peers, as well as between economically disadvantaged students and all other students. Chronic absenteeism is also a critical issue, leading to a substantial loss of learning time and negatively affecting student outcomes. Addressing these gaps is essential to ensure equitable educational opportunities and improve overall student success.

What are the educational strengths in your district?

First, I would like to acknowledge the dedicated teachers who are the backbone of SPS.  We are blessed to have some of the best educators in Suffolk who choose to pour into our children daily.  Second, the Whaleyville Borough offers several special programs that contribute to a well-rounded education, preparing students for future success.  Lakeland High School houses two of these special programs, including the PLTW Biomedical Sciences program and the Center for Performing and Production Arts.  Booker T. Washington Elementary School is also set to debut a new partnership with ODU this fall as a STEM Lab School.  

What is something voters may not know about you that you would like them to know?

Wherever I have worked or served, my ultimate goal has been to always do my best to leave things better than the way I found them.  I strive to give 110% at all times.  I promise to bring this same dedication to the citizens of Suffolk as a school board member.  With five children currently attending elementary, middle, and high school within SPS, I have a personal investment in our educational system. Our children are our greatest assets, and I vow to advocate for all Suffolk children as if they were my own.


Jonathan Rankin


Tell the voters a little about yourself. (Where are you from, family, work, hobbies, etc.)
My name is Jonathan Rankin, a proud graduate of Suffolk Public Schools. I am happily married and have a daughter who is also attending SPS. I enjoy outdoor activities and experiencing all that nature has to offer. Professionally, I have been dedicated to serving our community, and I am enthusiastic about making a positive impact on our schools.

What made you decide you were interested in serving as a member of the SPS school board? 

My passion for service and dedication to improving educational outcomes drove me to run for the SPS school board. Since COVID, I have been an active advocate for better education, serving on the CTAP and Safety Audit Committees. Despite voicing concerns at several school board meetings, I felt unheard. Observing the data and the areas in need of improvement, I believe I can better serve our community as a board member, ensuring our students receive the quality education they deserve.

What do you see as the board’s roles and responsibilities? 

The board’s roles and responsibilities include ensuring that school laws are properly explained, enforced, and observed. It involves obtaining comprehensive information about the conduct of public schools through visits or other means, and ensuring they are run legally and efficiently.

How would you describe an effective school board member? 

An effective school board member is actively engaged with the community and the schools. They gather information through visits and other means to understand the needs and challenges. They advocate for improvements and work to eliminate ineffective policies and programs to ensure the best outcomes for students. 

How will you engage the community to improve public schools in the SPS division?

 I will engage the community through multiple channels including social media, in-person and virtual town halls, and direct communication via emails and newsletters. By maintaining open and consistent communication, I aim to keep the community informed and involved in the decision-making process. 

What in your background leads you to believe that you would be an effective school board member? 

My background in business and professional experience, combined with higher educational training, equips me with the skills needed for effective governance. My natural ability to collaborate and unite others has been demonstrated through my roles on various committees and in community advocacy. 

In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing Suffolk Public Schools? 

The most prominent issues facing Suffolk Public Schools include ineffective policies that fail to raise achievement scores and enhance learning opportunities for all students. Additionally, ensuring the safety and security of students and staff is a critical concern that needs immediate attention. 

What are the educational gaps or weaknesses in your district? 

Despite some academic improvements since COVID-19, our district still faces significant educational gaps. We have pockets of students who are underperforming, indicating a need for targeted interventions and support to ensure all students can achieve their full potential.

What are the educational strengths in your district? 

Suffolk Public Schools have several strengths, including a dedicated and talented teaching staff committed to student success. Our schools offer a variety of programs that cater to diverse student interests and needs, from advanced placement courses to extracurricular activities.  One of the most recent changes is that Booker T Elementary is beginning a STEM program.  Additionally, the dedicated support from the community and parents plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience for our students.

What is something voters may not know about you that you would like them to know? 

Something voters may not know about me is that I am deeply committed to community service beyond my professional responsibilities. I have volunteered with local charities and youth programs for over a decade, and I am passionate about creating opportunities for all children to succeed. This commitment to service is what drives me to run for the school board and work tirelessly for the betterment of our schools. 


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