Suffolk announces West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis detection

Published 5:22 pm Friday, July 26, 2024

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The City of Suffolk has announced that it has detected West Nile Virus (WNV) in mosquitoes collected in the listed areas and neighborhoods:

Lake Kennedy Estates, Williamstown, Kingsboro Heights, Beamon’s Mill, Hobson Area and Nansemond Shores.

Likewise, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Office of Veterinary Service has detected Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in a horse in southern Suffolk.

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The City says that due to this, Suffolk Mosquito Control is intensifying its efforts in these areas and have increased their mosquito surveillance, treatment of standing water, and truck-mounted sprays. 

Suffolk residents should be aware that there is an increase in WNV and EEE activity in these areas and should take necessary actions to protect themselves while engaging in outdoor activities. Those infected with WNV can show no symptoms, mild symptoms or severe symptoms. Up to 20 percent of individuals who exhibit mild symptoms of WNV have flu-like symptoms and sometimes even swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach, and back. In most severe cases, (1 of 150) of WNV-infected individuals will develop severe illness that can include a high fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation, stupor, tremors, coma, muscle weakness, convulsions, numbness, vision loss, and paralysis.

EEE, a very rare human disease affecting 5 to 10 humans annually in the United States, sees its infection in humans begin with mild flu-like symptoms while progressing into disorientation, seizures, coma as well as encephalitis (an inflammation of the brain) and most severely, death. Many who survive are noted to have mild to severe brain damage. No human cases of EEE have ever been reported in Suffolk.

Horses have been commonly found with EEE in Suffolk. Suffolk Mosquito Control urges horse owners to have their horses vaccinated for EEE as well as any other insect-transmitted diseases that could affect their animals. Likewise, properly timed and administered vaccinations by a licensed veterinarian can help keep horses healthy during the mosquito season. 

To help lower the chances of contracting both WNV and EEE, citizens can protect themselves from excessive mosquito bites outdoors by taking the following recommendations:

  • Remain indoors during times of greatest mosquito activity (one hour before dusk to 1 hour before dawn).
  • While outdoors, wear long, loose and light-colored clothing.
  • Use insect repellents that contain DEET according to label instructions.

You can contribute by helping eliminate mosquito-breeding areas around your homes and neighborhoods by following these recommendations:

  • Empty containers holding water (buckets, potted plant saucers, wheelbarrows, cans, drums, bottles).
  • Clean wading and swimming pools.
  • Clear roof gutters, downspouts and corrugated black drain pipes for water collection.
  • Drain water from tarps.
  • Properly dispose of used tires.
  • Mosquito dunks must be placed in stagnant water areas around your home which includes ditches and low-lying areas.

Suffolk residents can receive free mosquito dunks at Fire Stations, Recreation Centers, Libraries, City Hall, Public Works and the Visitors Center. Residents must be 18 years of age or older, have proof of residence in the City of Suffolk, have proper photo identification and must sign the information sheet. Likewise, mosquito dunks must be placed in standing water to eliminate young mosquito larvae. 

For more information, contact Suffolk Mosquito Control at or call 757-514-7609. For more information on WNV and EEE, go to or