Suffolk Sheriff’s Senior Expo attracts 300 participants

Published 9:51 pm Monday, October 9, 2023

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Suffolk Sheriff’s Office recently held its first Sheriff’s Senior Expo to great success. The senior celebration, held on Thursday, Sept. 21, at Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church, saw a turnout of over 300 attendees, including seniors, volunteers and participating vendors. Chief Deputy David Miles talked about the office’s feedback from their first expo.

“The response has all been positive, and the seniors and vendors alike are all looking forward to next year’s expo,” he said.

Miles talked more about the services provided to attending seniors and what vendors participated.

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 “Over 40 vendors participated in the expo with varied services that catered to our seniors,” Miles said. “There were representatives from our Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer, Commonwealth’s Attorney and Circuit Court Clerk’s offices. Sentara Obici Hospital offered on-site medical screening in addition to other medical care providers. Senior Advocate, Dominion Power, the Public Library, Project Lifesaver, the Crimeline, Albert G. Horton and the Department of Treasury were some of our vendors.”

During the expo, the VA Department of Treasury Division of Unclaimed Property announced they found $4,351 in unclaimed property. Miles discussed the department’s process and its importance to seniors.

“The Department of Treasury’s Division of Property has a program that allows the citizen to put in their identifying information, and it searches to see if there are any funds that are waiting to be disbursed to the citizen,” he said. “The value to our citizens is that these are funds that are due to them, and thanks to the presence of the Unclaimed Property Division, the funds are able to be returned to their rightful place.”

On the office’s goals for next year’s expo, Miles hopes to increase attendance and reach more seniors.

“Our ultimate goal is to continue on the success of our first expo and hopefully increase our attendance to reach more seniors,” Miles said.


Editor’s note: Updated article at 9:12 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 10 to reflect accurate quote attribution.