Library program effective
Published 6:26 pm Friday, October 12, 2018
It looked like another American Revolution in the Morgan Memorial Library last Tuesday.
Soldiers stood in formation with muskets in their hands, camped with musical instruments and tools, played checkers and spun wool.
The only difference is that the muskets were props, and the soldiers were students teaching other students about what life was like during the American Revolution.
It couldn’t have been a better scenario for learning about history.
The Suffolk Public Library holds the Homeschool Hub on a bimonthly basis for homeschooling families in and around Suffolk. The group rotates between meeting at the North Suffolk and Morgan Memorial libraries for hands-on activities to enhance the children’s learning at home.
More than 50 children and parents attended last week’s event to enjoy the history lesson.
Some young people tend to think history is boring because it happened so long ago. But events like this help them learn how interesting history really can be when the learning encompasses more than just memorizing names and dates.
The Youth Virginia Regiment history club and re-enactment group conducted last week’s event. Kids always learn better from other kids, said Tom Sasso, who started the group about five years ago to allow children to be included in re-enactment activities.
We appreciate the Suffolk Public Library doing this valuable program and appreciate the participation of the Virginia Youth Regiment.