Eagles share faith boldly

Published 7:00 pm Friday, February 9, 2018

By Thurman Hayes

What an incredible Super Bowl sports fans were treated to last Sunday! Sometimes the Super Bowl is a boring blow-out, but this one was really super.

Like lots of people outside New England, I was pulling for the Eagles. Nothing against the Patriots — I have tons of respect for them! But I was pulling for the underdog to win this year, which in this case was the Philadelphia Eagles.

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But I was also attracted to the Eagles for another reason. Around the middle of the season, I was alerted to the fact that God was doing something special among the players and coaches on this team.

Even the Eagles organization hasn’t tried to hide the fact that this team and coaching staff includes a large number of Bible-believing Christians. The team’s star quarterback, Carson Wentz, is a very outspoken believer. The team featured a video on social media which highlighted Wentz’s Christian faith, and his involvement in missions to Haiti.

When Wentz was injured and sidelined for the rest of the season, the team rallied around their backup quarterback, Nick Foles, who is preparing to be a pastor after he is done with football. Foles went on to take the team through the playoffs and was the MVP of the Super Bowl.

Tight end Zach Ertz and wide receiver Torrey Smith are among many strong Christians on the Eagles. In fact, at the Super Bowl press conference, Ertz said, “Our No. 1 priority in life is to make disciples.” The team has developed a culture of discipleship, with Bible studies, chapels and guys holding one another accountable for their walk with Christ. They’ve even gathered by the poolside to witness the baptism of teammates.

After the game on Sunday, Coach Doug Peterson received the Lombardi Trophy with words of gratitude for his “Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Foles and others were quick to give glory to God.

Coach Tony Dungy of NBC was watching. Dungy is a well-known Christian believer. Before the game, he made the observation that he thought Foles’ faith would give him the peace and confidence he would need under the pressure of the biggest game.

Dungy’s prediction proved to be accurate in every way, but that didn’t stop some haters of Christianity from coming out of the woodwork with their criticism. Atheists started going after Coach Dungy immediately on social media, and he responded on social media, with these words:

“NBC pays me to express my opinion. And it was my opinion that Nick Foles would play well because his Christian faith would allow him to play with confidence. And that he’s a good QB. I think I was right on both counts.”

Well said, Coach! Christians need to be bold about who they are, and what they believe. As 2 Timothy 1:8 says, “Do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord.”

I am so thankful for the bold witness of Coach Dungy and these players. They are not trying to hide what Jesus is doing in their lives. Instead, they are shining their light before others, that God will receive the glory.

Paul says in Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” “Gospel” means good news. Share it boldly.

Dr. Thurman R. Hayes Jr. is senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Suffolk. Follow him on Twitter at @ThurmanHayesJr.