Senate must protect environment from Trump
Published 9:40 pm Thursday, August 3, 2017
To the editor:
Though they may appear not to be immediate problems, high pollution levels and poor air quality remain potent and universal threats, and there is no place that is not susceptible if not protected by regulations.
This pollution can cause respiratory problems, more asthma attacks and even premature death, and it comes from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas for electricity and transportation. Global warming makes it worse.
While we have the solutions to switch to clean renewable energy sources, I’m concerned that the progress we’ve made in cleaning America’s air is going to take a turn for the worse.
Recently President Trump released his first proposed budget to Congress. This budget is dirty and dangerous and fails to protect our health or our planet, and the president has proposed rolling back pollution standards for cars and power plants.
The House of Representatives passed the Smoggy Skies Act (HR 806), which would delay life-saving clean air standards.
I want to thank Rep. Donald McEachin for voting to protect our health and opposing this wrongheaded bill.
Now it’s time for our senators to stand up for our health and reject these dangerous proposals.
Tracy Wang
Environment Virginia