Academic briefs
Published 7:14 pm Saturday, February 13, 2016
Lepore named to HSC dean’s list
Michael Lepore, a student at Hampden-Sydney College, was named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester of the 2015-2016 academic year. To earn this distinction, students must achieve at least a 3.3 semester grade point average out of a possible 4.0.
Lepore is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lepore Jr. of Suffolk.
Wade earns place on Honors List
Lashae Wade of Suffolk was named to the Fall 2015 Honors List at Mary Baldwin College.
Students named to the Honors List earned grade point averages of 3.75 to 4.00. To be eligible, a student must be a degree candidate and must have earned at least 12 semester hours for the grading period.
Lanier named to GSU dean’s list
Ana Lanier, a pre-nursing/nursing major from Suffolk, has been named to the dean’ list at Georgia Southern University.
To be eligible for the dean’s list, a student must have at least a 3.5 grade point average and carry a minimum of 12 hours for the semester.
Luzzatto named to W&L dean’s list
Henry Luzzatto of Suffolk, a member of the Class of 2018 at Washington and Lee University, has earned dean’s list status for the recently ended fall term.
Dean’s list status at Washington and Lee represents a term grade-average
of at least 3.4 on a 4.0 scale.
Buchanan named a Hurricane Scholar Athlete
Toby Buchanan of Suffolk was recognized as a Hurricane Scholar Athlete in a recent ceremony at Louisburg College in Louisburg, N.C.
At the beginning of each spring semester, Louisburg College recognizes athletes who achieved high levels of academic success during the previous year. On Jan. 27, the college recognized more than 130 students during the Hurricane Scholar Athletes Awards Ceremony in the Roger G. Taylor Athletic Center.
Moore named to ISU dean’s list
Kyle Moore of Suffolk, a junior physical education exercise science major at Indiana State University, received dean’s list honors for the fall semester of 2015.
To be eligible for the dean’s list, students must maintain a 3.5 grade point average or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Houston named to Baylor dean’s list
Victoria Nicole Houston, a student in Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business, has been named to the Dean’s Academic Honor Roll for the 2015 fall semester.
To be named to the dean’s list, a student must be an undergraduate with a minimum grade-point average of 3.7, while enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours.
Jones named to Belmont dean’s list
Jordan Jones of Suffolk has qualified for the fall 2015 dean’s list at Belmont University.
Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C. Approximately 30 percent of Belmont’s 7,400 students qualified for the fall 2015 dean’s list.