6 Moves to release stress naturally

Published 2:52 pm Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Do you feel like your body is in knots? If you have mounting mental stress, like 40% of Americans, it is likely your body is feeling the pressure, too. The endorphins (feel good hormones) released during physical exercise, especially stretching, offer an effective means of releasing stress.

A good stretching routine offers both mind and body benefits. It helps alleviate tension held deep within your muscles and promotes relaxation. Before you begin a stretching routine, know that it may be uncomfortable at first. But after a few sessions you will begin to reap the benefits of stretching. Stretching is good stress management, it helps reduce the risk of injuries and keeps the spine and entire body more agile.


Mind-body Benefits of Stretching:


Ease mental stress and tension

Reduce muscle tension

Increase range of motion in joints

Improve blood circulation

Increase flexibility

Decrease risk

of injury

Improve athletic performance

Promote relaxation


1. Upper Back Release



Lie down with knees up and feet flat on the floor. Place two yoga blocks on the floor behind you. Lie back and adjust one yoga block to rest under your upper back, at your shoulder blades. Place the other yoga block under your head. Bring your arms overhead and allow them to rest on the floor. Hold this position for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and exhale as you relax into the stretch.


2. Lower Back Release



Sit on the floor with feet flat, knees bent up. Stack two yoga blocks on top of one another and place them behind your back. Lie back onto the floor in a bridge pose with your lower back resting on the two blocks. Stay in this position for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and exhale as you relax into the stretch.


3a. Hamstring Stretch



Sit on the floor with your right leg stretched straight out in front of you, left leg bent with your left foot at your inner right thigh. Place the yoga block under your right heel. Lean forward from the waist to reach for your ankle, calf, or toes. Hold position for 20 seconds. Inhale and exhale as you relax into the stretch. Repeat on left leg.


3b. Hip Flexor Stretch



Bend down on your right knee. Place your left foot flat on floor. Press your hips forward and lift your chest up and press your shoulder blades back. Hold position for 20 seconds. Inhale and exhale as you relax into the stretch. Repeat stretch on the other leg.


4. Hip Opener



Get onto the floor on both knees. Spread knees as wide as you can. Place a yoga block under each knee. Support your body with palms flat on the floor. Lower your chest to the floor and come onto your elbows. Hold position for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and exhale as you relax into the stretch.



5. Shoulder Release



Sit on your knees. Stack two yoga blocks on top of one another and place them a distance in front of you. Bring your chest to your thighs as you stretch your arms straight out over your head, rest your wrists and hands on the yoga blocks. Hold position for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and exhale as you relax into the stretch.



Posture Practice



Sit on your knees. Place a yoga block under your butt to sit on it. Place your pelvis in a neutral position and allow your spine to align itself with your pelvis. Practice aligning your shoulders with your ears. Hold position for 1-3 minutes.