Warrant: Woman ran illegal strip club

Published 10:34 pm Friday, May 23, 2014

A woman arrested earlier this month on a charge of possession of marijuana and maintaining a common nuisance allegedly turned the Battery Avenue house she rented into a strip club, according to a search warrant filed in Suffolk Circuit Court.

Sonya Fletcher was arrested May 3. Nine others, ranging in age from 18 to 52, were charged with maintaining a common nuisance.

According to information filed with the search warrant, an anonymous citizen reported to police during the first week of April that Sonya Fletcher was hosting “stripper parties” in the house at 608 Battery Avenue. Beer and shots were sold to guests while women, including Fletcher, did dances, according to the citizen.

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A police officer watched the house during a party on April 26. Multiple cars were parked out front and in a vacant lot across the street, according to the search warrant. Cans of Coors Light and Bud Light littered the front yard, along with clear solo cups. Police talked with a woman seen stumbling out of the house — she told them drinks were sold for $2 each and complained the price was expensive compared to other places.

Later, a woman was seen entering the house with a gun, according to the search warrant. Possessing a gun where alcohol is being dispensed illegally is a felony, the search warrant said.

Other informants and concerned citizens corroborated the stories of the first two.

Fletcher is set for arraignment on June 24.