A riddle for your day
Published 9:36 pm Tuesday, April 8, 2014
What do all of the following have in common?
- The sun will set on Oct. 15 in southeast Virginia at 6:26 p.m. and paint the clouds majestic orange and regal red and intoxicating yellow.
- This spring, a yellow daffodil will emerge from the ground in the back corner of the Milton field.
- In July, a thunderstorm will roll in atop the trees amidst a great fanfare of atmospheric explosions, sending spectacular outbursts of light, penetrating windowpanes and airplane lanes, for miles and miles around.
- A light autumn breeze will slip in from the west and frolic through the trees, caressing limbs with a soothing massage, affecting their release of 10 million leaves for their final journey to the forest floor.
- A whippoorwill will proclaim his majestic call, unabashedly and confidently, as the sun slips behind the horizon.
- A whitetail deer will scamper across the Long Cut.
- Those shining diamonds we call stars will appear in definite order across the heavens and slowly scroll across the sky, while most of creation sleeps, as if to silently declare their presence.
- Water, flowing down a stream, will emit a gurgling sound as it drops over a small limb that has fallen in its pathway.
- A mockingbird will croon 30 — yes, 30! — different melodies in one hour.
- A two-foot wave will break on the shore at Nags Head, N.C.
- A two-foot catfish will take a siesta on the floor of the Blackwater River.
- The moon will smile at midnight.
So what do each of these things have in common with the other? We humans have nothing to do with any of them.