A real family newsletter
Published 9:53 pm Tuesday, January 7, 2014
By Rex Alphin
Dear Rex:
How are you? Just wanted to fill you in on our family and the wonderful year we just experienced. Here we go!
My husband, Bill. Yes, he still grinds his teeth, leaves his clothes on the floor, rarely clips his toenails, procrastinates, is forgetful and snores. He did not receive that promotion this year but was able to watch, according to my count, 78 football games on the same couch we had last year.
His hairline receded just a bit more, along with his hearing. His waistline has gained about two inches, which grants opportunity for a perpetual new wardrobe and gives good reason for cleaning out the closet. It also initiated his changing dietary habits, as he has gone from Bud to Bud Lite.
The lawn mower broke down in July and, due to various reasons, the grass didn’t get cut that month. But Bill, being the resourceful man he is, borrowed a neighbor’s bush hog and had those weeds cut in no time. He is quite the handyman. I would say he had a great year!
Our son, Chad. Far be it from me to brag, but Chad passed the fifth grade this year. It was his third try, and the teacher said he was getting a little big for the desk, but our Chad is not one to give up! He was so excited he cut himself shaving, though it is healing up nicely.
Chad loves sports and spends hours watching them on TV. He knows all the stars by name and can recite every product they advertise. When he is not watching sports, he loves video games and can, believe it or not, play them all night long without sleeping. Don’t know where he gets his energy.
Our daughter Rebecca. Becky just turned 24 (can’t believe our little “ Becka” is that old) and is thinking about getting a job this year. She loves her room and spends a lot of time there.
As you know she tried college in ’09, and it just wasn’t for her. We are so happy she still likes home this much. She says she wants to be either a model or a movie star or a rich person who gives away a lot of money. She is so ambitious!
Which reminds me — it is lunchtime, and I need to run upstairs and get her out of bed.
Well, that was our wonderful year! We do need to get together sometime. Happy New Year!
REX ALPHIN of Walters is a farmer, businessman, author, county supervisor and contributing columnist for the Suffolk News-Herald. His email address is rexalphin@aol.com.