Keeping the lights green
Published 9:43 pm Thursday, January 10, 2013
Red and green might be the colors of the Christmas season, but for one Suffolk organization, the goal during December is to keep things green.
When they finally turned off the lights of the Safety Tree at the beginning of the month, members of the Pilot Club of Suffolk were able to celebrate the fact that this was one of the rare years when all of those lights were, indeed, still green.
For more than 25 years, the club has kept track of December traffic fatalities in the city by putting up a tree with green lights club members then switch to red whenever there’s a traffic death. Some years, the lights are all green for a distressingly brief period before one or more of them must be changed. This year, though, the entire month passed without a crash death.
It’s an achievement that all of Suffolk can celebrate. The Safety Tree will be back next year, and Pilot Club of Suffolk projects coordinator Leah Powell hopes its green streak will continue.
“We hope that everyone will keep in mind to drive safely throughout the year,” she said recently. We couldn’t put it better.