Bennett supporters should be realistic
Published 8:26 pm Saturday, September 29, 2012
To the editor:
I have read a few letters lately talking about how much Leroy Bennett has done for the authors of these letters. But I have lived in his borough for a long time and have never received a return phone call or visit. I am a constituent and am not represented in a courteous manner.
Ten years ago, Mr. Bennett designed his own borough during the redistricting process, and the people in power then “blessed” it for him. Since then, the northern end of the city has grown, and Mr. Bennett’s City Council seat has been affected. But there was no other fair way to redistrict the city’s boroughs this time.
Senator Fred Quayle similarly lost his seat to redistricting, though he had served admirably for years. But he accepted it as a true leader and showed his true statesmanship.
A constituent who lives on Nansemond Parkway near Mr. Bennett’s house talks about how he helped her with lights after a storm. That is exactly what a representative should do. But I wonder if public workers and contractors were “leaned on” for the help, or if the matter was resolved in a businesslike manner, with courtesy and professionalism.
With respect to Mr. Bennett’s desire to keep taxes low, how is it that he had no objection when the rate was $1.08 per thousand and he supported building a hotel on the taxpayers’ backs?
Why is it that when he was on the board of directors for the Southeastern Public Service Authority the finances fell apart so badly that the General Assembly had the governor appoint new board members? Mr. Bennett doesn’t like fees for trash, but he helped SPSA go down in disgrace, causing Suffolk to have to scramble to get ready to pay.
All I can see is that he has done lately is to make bad decisions, cry foul and cause dissension.
How can Suffolk give more services to its citizens without raising taxes and fees? It cannot. The authors of the recent letters on Mr. Bennett’s behalf need to revisit their thoughts and be realistic.
I will cast my vote for Linda Johnson for mayor in November.
Leah R. Whedbee