What are you thankful for?
Published 9:55 pm Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Suffolk News-Herald polled an unscientific sampling of Suffolk residents, and some out-of-town holiday guests, at a local store Tuesday. We asked simply, “What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?” Here is what they had to say:
Carol and Shirley Young
“That I’m living.”
Karen Yeates
“My husband still having a job.”
Vickie Hurdle
“Family and good friends.”
Diane Edwards
Kim Galvin
“That I can worship my God in freedom without any fear.”
Roy Haskins
“Just to be here.”
Jennie Barrett
Christy Walker
“A God who loves me and family who love me.”
Anthony Hoepelman
Yarnell Stringfellow
“To have our family together. It’s been many years since we were all together, but we’re going to be together this year.”