In praise of the hamburger

Published 10:10 pm Thursday, July 14, 2011

I very rarely look at the financial stories that pop up on Yahoo or whatever. I’m just not the savvy businessman with a keen eye or bank account for the principles of high finance. But when one of these stories starts talking about something of real importance — like burger joints — I tend to perk up.

There was a particular article in the finance section recently, spurred by First Lady Michelle Obama visiting a burger place called the Shake Shack in D.C. For me, Mrs. Obama’s visit was but a small diversion from the most disturbing aspect and apparently the main point of the article — the notion that trendy, “high-end” burger places would soon go the way of 8-track tapes, the Delorean, and the Betamax.

Now the article doesn’t suggest that powerhouses like good old McDonald’s will eventually sink and die. (Thank goodness for that.) It’s the awesome, super-trendy, “luxury” burger chains that will someday fall victim to being just a passing fad, the writer predicts.

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Can you imagine a world with no Fuddrucker’s? No Red Robin? No Five Guys? I know that I can’t. And guess who this article says will be to blame for the downfall: foodies.

That’s right, those lovers of the ceremony of suppertime, including myself and so many others out there. It is predicted that we foodies, who are likened to fashionistas in the world of haute couture, will let these awesome burger havens fall to ruin, simply because we’re looking for the next big thing to entertain our palates.

As a foodie, I never neglect the classics. And good burgers are like comfortable blue jeans; they never go out of style. So, I submit that we true foodies are better than the fashion-conscious consumer in that our stomachs, unlike a fashionista’s eye for fashion, refuse to leave a good dish behind.

And now, in summertime, when they can be smelled on grills far and wide, hamburgers are more treasured than most other dishes. I suggest we all cherish them. Because I truly don’t think there’s a simpler, more perfect act than shoving a fine patty of well-cooked ground meat onto a warm, deserving bun.

That’s a hamburger, people. It’s not fancy. It’s not a fad. If we’re lucky, it’s a two-fisted mound of pure culinary genius that we can enjoy for the simplest or finest of occasions. And every savory bite is a reminder why we crave new tastes as foodies. Because we know that we are only chasing something equally as perfect as that simple combination of meat and bun.

It is the blueprint we must frequently return to on our journey to find bigger, better bites.

No matter, how you like them served or what you like on them, hamburgers never disappoint. They are always just perfect.

So, foodies, let’s remember the cornerstones of our culinary sanctuary. The hamburger, whether you dress it up or strip it down, is not to be passed over. It’s a comfort food of the highest degree. And for foodies, it is our blue jeans or little black dress — an essential for every kitchen, with an eternal place on every restaurant menu.

And as long as I tread this Earth, I want there to be trendy, high-end burger places that pay homage to the hamburger. So should every other foodie worth his or her smoked salt.

Besides, what good would French fries be without good burgers sitting next to them?