Workers install sewer in Sleepy Hole area

Published 9:58 pm Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sleepy Hole Park and Sleepy Hole Golf Course are making the switch from septic systems to city sewer.

Workers are putting in a sanitary sewer line to be used for utilities at the park, the golf course and surrounding areas.

Public utilities director Albert S. Moor said the work should be completed by late June,

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He said the system will serve everything from the Planters Club to the golf course.

The sewage line will run from Sleepy Hole Golf Course toward the back of Sleepy Hole Park, spanning the length of the park. It will connect to the main line on Sleepy Hole Road.

Moor said the switch is being made to address problems with the septic systems used by the facilities.

“There were some issues with the septic systems at both the Obici House and the park,” he said. “The key was to not Band-Aid (the problem) but put in the proper improvements.”

Moor said getting rid of failing septic systems will also benefit the health of the Nansemond River, which the park and golf course overlook.

Parks manager Terry Baronner said the project started as a way to get city water to the golf course but was expanded to include the park.

Baronner said making the switch is a positive move for the park.

“We’ve had issues with the septic tanks filling up and having to pump them out,” he said.

On especially busy weekends, the park restrooms sometimes have to be shut down as a result, he said.

“Overall, it will be better for us to be on the city system,” he said. “It’s a positive for us.”