‘DIVA’ program empowers women
Published 10:52 pm Friday, December 10, 2010
A new program in Suffolk encourages “true divas” to stand up and take control over their own destiny.
The DIVA (Destined Invincible Vessel of Authority) program is designed to help girls and women discover their own self-reliance. Organizer Kintrell Devin was motivated to put the program together after her own painful divorce.
“I’ve always been called a diva,” Devin said. But her divorce was “just such an ugly, negative fight I had to go through. I realized I wasn’t the only one.”
DIVA will host a walk Feb. 5 at Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach. Cities, schools and other organizations that have 1,000 people at the walk will make one of their participants eligible for a $5,000 scholarship.
Devin began the program “to empower teens as well as the moms,” she said.
“If you can strengthen the source and help them to recognize who they are and their circumstances, you’ve already built a stronger foundation,” Devin said. “You’ve empowered them to pour into their daughters and empower youth before they get to a place where it’s too late.”
Devin already is contacting school divisions and city governments to encourage them to participate. She plans activities for the program such as ensuring girls have library cards, sponsoring scholarships and discouraging teen pregnancy.
“DIVA was born to give those women a pat on the back,” Devin said. “They need places where they can be built back up.”
She hopes eventually to expand the program nationwide.
“This will be the first of many cities and states that I will campaign in.”
To get more information about the program or the walk, call Devin at 214-7346 or email her at msdivastyle7@aol.com.