Snow closures mounting

Published 1:25 pm Friday, January 29, 2010

The forecast for up to 10 inches of snow has begun to force many organizations to begin canceling or postponing events planned for Saturday.

Suffolk city officials announced early Friday afternoon that all city libraries would be closed Saturday and that the Suffolk Visitor Center, all recreation centers and all city parks would be closed Saturday and Sunday.

The announcement also said that all city sponsored athletic events such as youth soccer and basketball games scheduled for this weekend have also been canceled.

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City spokesperson Debbie George also announced in an afternoon release that the city’s Emergency Operations Center, located at 1001 Whitemarsh Road, would move to active status Saturday morning. The release also said “there are no immediate plans to open evacuation shelters at this time.”

Below is an building list of other announced closings or cancellations:

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy will postpone their annual art show, originally due to open to the public on Saturday. The public is invited to come on Feb. 6 and 7 to view and purchase art from the collections which are on display in the halls of the lower school.

Saturday morning’s four-team wrestling meet at Lakeland, involving Nansemond River, Indian River and York, has been postponed until Tuesday. Tuesday’s duals will be held at Forest Glen Middle School due to basketball games scheduled for Tuesday evening at Lakeland.

Star Stellar Events is canceling the “Little Black Dress” Expo that was to be held at the Quality Inn on Saturday, due to weather. This event will be rescheduled at the same location April 10.

Sign-up booths for TFC Recycling scheduled for Saturday at the Harris Teeter in Harbour View Marketplace and at the Wal-Mart on North Main Street are canceled.

All city libraries will be closed on Saturday. The Suffolk Visitor Center, all city recreation centers and all city parks will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. All city-sponsored athletic events scheduled for Saturday and Sunday are canceled

If you know of any event that has been canceled or rescheduled due to the weather, please contact the Suffolk News-Herald at (757) 539-3437 or email