PDCCC helps students ‘Get Ahead’
Published 4:41 pm Thursday, September 3, 2009
As noted by PDCCC president Doug Boyce in the forward to our college catalog, “We want you to Get Ahead right here and right now at Paul D. Camp Community College!”
At PDCCC, we offer college transfer, technical courses and programs, and workforce training that can be delivered at any college location or at the workplace. Special features include affordable/low tuition; financial aid/scholarship options; small classes; highly qualified and caring faculty; excellent instruction; one-on-one attention; friendly environment; close-to-home convenience; state-of-the art technology; counseling and tutoring services; and day, evening and online classes.
With almost 50 degree and certificate options, students may pursue an Associate in Arts and Science degree — transferable to a four-year institution— or an Associate in Applied Science degree or Certificate to move directly into the workforce.
Students who are not certain of their career paths/goals can explore different options with help from a counselor.
Our occupational/technical programs are designed to meet the increasing demand for technicians, semi-professional workers, and skilled crafters for employment in industry, business, the professions and government.
University parallel/college transfer programs include freshmen and sophomore courses in the arts and sciences and pre-professional education. These curricula meet the standards necessary for transfer to baccalaureate degree programs in four-year colleges and universities.
Programs in general education provide the common and special knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary and desirable for each individual to be effective as a worker, consumer, and citizen.
Developmental studies are offered to prepare individuals for admission to an occupational/technical curriculum or to a university/college transfer program. These studies are designed to assist the individual in acquiring the basic skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in other community college programs.
Special programs at PDCCC include Student Support Services (federally funded) and Tech Prep
curricula in Administrative Support Technology, Business Information Technology, Early
Childhood Education, Health/Nursing, Industrial Technology and Marketing.
Through the College’s Dual Enrollment Program, eligible students in their junior and senior years of high school can receive college credit while still enrolled in high school.
A variety of courses and opportunities for workforce development and personal enrichment through credit and noncredit activities are offered through the Division of Workforce Development. Included are programs designed to meet workforce demands; customized and open-enrollment classes; business startup and expansion training; and consulting, coaching and facilitating services.
In addition, PDCCC is one of several WorkKeys Centers across the State, providing job analysis to companies and assessments for those who want to demonstrate readiness of employment. Workforce customers benefit from cost-effective training, flexible scheduling, convenient locations and well-qualified instructors.
For more information on options available at PDCCC, call 569-6700 or visit www.pdc.edu.