Gideon’s golfers putt for the Lord
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 23, 2005
Suffolk News-Herald
The fourth annual Gideon Liberty Golf Tournament Thursday raised over $6,000.
Or, in Gideon-speak, enough to purchase out a few thousand Bibles.
&uot;When you buy them by the million, you get a good price,&uot; said member Dave Jernigan, who organization puts out two Books in 180 countries and 82 languages. &uot;We hand out a million every six days, in motels, hotels, doctor’s offices, hospital rooms, everywhere. We hand out two every second, about six million a year. We’ve handed them out at Obici Hospital, and we had them at the Hilton before it opened. We’ll have a booth at the Peanut Fest (which starts Oct. 6).&uot;
About 60 golfers signed up for the four-ball, captain’s choice event, and local organizations such as the YMCA, Spirit of Norfolk and Belk handed in door prizes. A putting contest and closest to the pin event was held, and mulligans could be purchased.
&uot;A friend asked me, and I started asking around,&uot; said John Holland. &uot;They asked me to give a couple of Gideon’s Bibles worth of my time.&uot;
In first place, shooting 56, were Scott Taylor, Robert Christian, Charlie Gawrys and Pete Joseph, playing on a Liberty team, two strokes ahead of James Beamon, Ashley Lee, Calvin Barnes and Larry Logan.
&uot;Doing anything for the Lord is worthwhile!&uot; Barnes said.