Effort to preserve historic Hall Place homes will continue
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 14, 2005
Editor, the News-Herald:
The concerned residents of Hall Place are grateful for the Virginia Department of Historical Resources manager Marc Wagner to continue with the further education of those misinformed on the implications of Hall Place being placed in the National Historical Register and in the Virginia Historical Landmarks Register. To educate our residents that being listed in either register places no restrictions on a property owner; only local conservation guidelines will apply. The DHR will be working with the city and those who are continuing to preserve the unique historical homes we have in the Hall Place community.
It’s foolish that the last letter and others who joined the HPCA in April assume that all the good work that was done by us over the last 17 years can be attributed to them. When in the last 17 years were they promoting good community spirit? Not now, certainly. Yard sales, cookouts, fundraisers and neighborhood watch could have used their help, but where were they? In their homes enjoying the increased police presence, riding on our newly-paved streets with new lighting or sitting on their backsides in our new community park.
Because of these few peoples’ disrespect and hateful attitude toward myself at the July meeting and the president’s reluctance to call them out of order, I have officially resigned from this illegal association. The organization also put our private business in the paper, which is totally uncalled for. In any other organization, the officers would have reprimanded them but I doubt that will happen this time.
I have served as a past president for years, vice president for two and have been a member in good standing since 1992.
Myself and others who are disgusted with their actions will be continuing, legally and in good faith, to push for the preservation of the historical homes in Hall Place.
Ron Hatfield Jr.