July 9, 1937: Stories featured in the News-Herald 68 years ago on this date:
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 9, 2005
Young people’s
executive council meets
The executive council of the Young People’s Department of Main Street Methodist Church held its monthly meeting Wednesday in the pastor’s study of the church.
The devotionals were led by the president, James Walters.
Several plans were discussed for the month’s work.
The council voted to sponsor a boat excursion on Wednesday, July 14 and those who wish to make reservations were asked to phone Miss Phoebe Thompson before Sunday afternoon to secure tickets.
Those present were Misses Mart Ellis, Ruth Jones, Catherine Powell, Phoebe Thompson, Mrs. Llewellyn Elmore, Dr. George Wesley Jones, James Walters, Charles Nichols, and Richard Solomon.
Misses Sheffield are
hostesses at card party
Misses Nell and Virginia Sheffield were hostesses last night at a lovely card party given at the home of their cousin, Mrs. O. W. Sheffield, in Lakeview Heights.
The rooms were attractively decorated with red gladioli and Queen Anne’s lace, the red and white color scheme being carried out in decorations and refreshments.
Four tables of bridge were arranged and the prizes were won by Mrs. Thomas Shotten and Miss Margaret Howerton.
A gift was presented to Mrs. Ernest Midkiff, who will leave soon to make her home in Murfreesboro, N. C.
After the games the hostesses were assisted in serving ices, cakes, nuts, and candies by Mrs. O. W. Sheffield and Miss Margaret Sheffield.
Those present were Misses Jacqueline Balance, Marguerite Bell, Valla Nimmo, Rosaiee Milteer, Lillian Herbert, Margaret Howerton, Jane Wagner, Sara Norfleet Daughtrey, Leclaire Holton, Sallie Brown, Mrs. Thomas Shotten, Mrs. Ernest Midkiff, Mrs. Edward Brothers and Mrs. Walter N. Smith, of Hopewell.
Bad boys from Bull Island will battle aces tomorrow
The boys from Bull Island, which the maps lists as Poquoson, will be entertained at League Park on Saturday by the local Aces.
Poquoson last year came to town and took the Aces for a ride with Sparrow acting as the strong arm pitcher.
Batteries for Saturday lads will use Bill Saunders, who saw service Labor Day against the mighty Celtics; along with Porter catching.
On Sunday afternoon the usual summer baseball war will begin with the boys from Hamtown.
This will be the first of a five game series with Smithfield.
Word comes from Smithfield that they have secured the pitching services of Murray and Ashby, who to date have been playing with the Newport News shipbuilders.
Murray will be remembered as the young man who has held the locals in check every game played to date with Newport News.
With these two pitchers and Nurney Bond, Smithfield will give the locals plenty of trouble.
Norman Daughtrey and Porter will be the batteries for Suffolk.
The gates at League Park will be opened at 1:45 this Sunday, so come on fans and get a choice seat early.
-Compiled by Andrew Giermak