False alarm on Home Depot, June 7, 2005
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Turns out there’s no Home Depot store opening in Suffolk, at least this year.
Yesterday I wrote here about the help wanted ad Home Depot ran in Sunday’s News-Herald. It led me to believe there was a Suffolk location in the works. Not so, according to a corporate shill who told me yesterday the ad was recruiting employees for a new store in Chesapeake. I regret the confusion, but this is the Internet, you don’t come here looking for truth, do you?
By the time this gets posted Tuesday, I’ll be on a plane for Pensacola. I wish that was the end of my journey, but it’s not. From the airport, I’ll get a car and drive about two and one-half hours into the remote, southeastern Alabama wilderness to a little town called Andalusia. Our company owns the newspaper there, the Andalusia Star, and I’ll be away for a few days trying to learn a little more about classified advertising. I’ll attempt to keep this updated as much as possible.
One final note, I know you hate to, but if you have half a chance to get to the public meeting on the direct election of the mayor tonight at 7 at Lakeland, please do, if only to sign the register and go back home. Apparently, city officials think that if few people show up, everybody is perfectly happy with the manner in which we select our mayor and there is no reason to change, which, of course, is ridiculous, but the case nonetheless.
All Suffolkians will have better representation if such a change were to be made.