A media vacuum, May 23, 2005
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 29, 2005
I spent the bulk of last week vacationing in West Virginia. My sister's daughter get married Saturday (No, not to her son), and it served as a family reunion of sorts.
I got to spend time with a brother from California who I had not seen in six years and various other cousins, aunts and uncles who I had not seen for even longer periods.
I did buy a USA today on Friday morning, but other than that, I was in a bit of a media vacuum for the past five or six days.
My mother does not have Internet access at her home, so there was no Web surfing. My cell phone did not work in rural West Virginia, and we mostly sat around the living room talking with the TV off.
What I'm getting at is that I know little of what has transpired in the world over the past week. I assume Star Wars had a big opening because when we took the kids to it Friday evening at the little theater in Summersvile, W.Va., the line was hundreds deep. They ended up getting in the noon show on Saturday.
Plus, I got home late Sunday evening, barely in time for the season finale of Desperate Housewives, so I didn't even get to look at the papers I had mixed.
Anyway, I'm back and will get this blog rolling again on Tuesday.