Providence UMC certifiably welcoming

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 13, 2003

A little research on the Internet can go a long way as Sandra Judy has found out. A member of Providence United Methodist Church, she discovered on a Web site,, a way her church can be recognized for how well it welcomes guests and new members. In November, Judy completed a form (with documentation, of course) that included 39 tasks or functions and respective point values. She estimated the church had about 175 points (only 100 are required). This past Monday, Providence UMC received a Welcoming Congregation Award. This makes the church the first Suffolk UMC congregation to possess the distinction; only a few other churches in other parts of the region also have this award. Show holding the plaque is Judy with the pastor, the Rev. Hank Teague. For more information about Providence UMC, call the church at 539-9582, or visit at 3109 Providence Road. Note the church listing with the other notices at left.

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