Macedonia AME set for celebrations
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 15, 2003
Suffolk News-Herald
Macedonia AME Church, 127 Pine St., will be hosting a myriad of events this week, including its anniversary service, Community Day, Homecoming and a week-long revival.
n9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday Aug. 16 – Community Day.
An array of events has been planned for all ages, including food, music and special workshops. Workshop facilitators, who are professionals in their fields, will conduct seminars to educate participants on health, safety, crime and sports. Macedonia youth will be running a moonwalk and snow cone machine.
n11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 17 – Homecoming.
The Rev. Anthony N. Jones, pastor of Tyree African Methodist Episcopal Church from Philadelphia, Pa., and members of his congregation will deliver the service.
Jones, a native of Suffolk, is the son of Mary L. Jones and the late Moses D. Jones. A graduate of the former Booker T. Washington High School, Jones also attended Allen University in Columbia, S.C., and served as a communication specialist in the U.S. Air Force.
Jones completed his religious studies at Manna Bible Institute Reformed Episcopal Seminary and Eastern Baptist Seminary. He was licensed to preach in 1976, ordained as a deacon in 1978; and an elder in 1980.
n4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 17 – Anniversary service.
The church will celebrate its Homecoming
The Rev. Andre’ Pierre Jefferson Sr., pastor of Bethel AME Church from Hampton, and his congregation will render the service.
Jefferson is a native of Elizabeth City, N.C., and a graduate of Deep Creek High School. He received his bachelor’s degree in school music education and a master’s of divinity from the School of Theology at Virginia Union University. He has done further graduate studies at Villanova University.
Jefferson, a former high school band director, began preaching in 1989.
n7 p.m. Aug. 18-22 – Revival
Services will begin at 7 p.m. with guest churches leading devotions each night.
The Rev. Raymond F. Edmonds Jr., an ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, is the guest evangelist for the week.
A Chesapeake native, Edmonds is a graduate of Morgan State University. He preached his trial sermon in 1986 at Bethel AME Church in Baltimore, Md., and served as an associate minister to the New Life Ministry and the Minister to God’s Book Camp at Bethel. Under his leadership, 12 ministries have been established.
For more information, call the church at 539-4502.