The right kind of development
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 30, 2003
It was an exciting day Wednesday for Suffolk, Target officials and employees – as well as several community charities – as the giant Target Import Warehouse on Manning Bridge road held its grand opening.
Target passed out checks totaling more than $11,000 to organizations that work to improve the arts, education and prevent family violence. And there will be much more to come. United Way officials anticipate about a $25,000 spike in donations when the company undertakes its annual campaign.
But more than money, what Target brings to Suffolk is a quality employer, committed to its customers, it’s workforce and its community. According to Suffolk Mayor E. Dana Dickens, Target is exactly what the city hopes to find as it pursues economic development initiatives – matching jobs with households, and finding one with the Target’s commitment to helping out in the community is icing on the cake.
On a lesser scale, we were also pleased to report this week that Virginia Beach-based Kelly’s Tavern will be taking up residence in the building formerly occupied by Video Update on Constance Road. That brings to four the number of new eateries that are in various stages of development in the greater downtown area and is another feather in the cap for downtown development efforts.
Kelly’s, Baron’s and others yet to be named will offer convenience for local diners, drive traffic downtown, and keep Chesapeake and other nearby cities from siphoning off meals taxes that rightfully belong here.