SRHA, city active in developing communities
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 24, 2003
National Community Development Week 2003 is being celebrated from April 21-27. Here’s a glimpse at what’s been happening in Suffolk:
* During the summer of 1998, the Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority accepted applications from residents of the Rosemont Community for homeowners to participate in the Rosemont Neighborhood Rehabilitation Program. The program would enable residents to receive $5,000 from Community Development Block Grant Funds to repair their homes. In April 1999, City Council appropriated $60,000 in Community Development Block Grant Funds to continue the Rosemont Neighborhood Rehabilitation Program and to also implement the same program in the Lloyd Place Community.
* — In December 1996, the City Council designated the Hall Place Neighborhood as a conservation area and authorized Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority (SRHA) to study and develop a Comprehensive Plan. Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority prepared the plan, and the City purchase Architectural Pattern Books to be included in the plan.
In 1997, the City contracted with Urban Design Associates (UDA) to prepare a Comprehensive Plan for Hall Place neighborhood as part of the City’s ongoing initiative Planning process. By February 2000, construction began for a new Entrance Park at South Main Street, Cedar Street and Hall Avenue.